This picture is by French painter Camille Pissarro (1830-1903) and represents the road of the small village of Osny not very far from Pontoise (France) where Pissarro established his workshop in 1882. From the 1870s onwards, Pissarro professed passionate disdain for the Salons and refused to exhibit at them. Among the Impressionists, only he and Degas persisted in their unwavering defiance of the Salons.
To the question, "What makes a true painter?" Pissarro would answer that a true painter is the one who can put two tones of color in harmony. In other words, Pissarro defines the true painting in specifically visusal terms. Pissarro was a descendant of a family from Braganza, a Portuguese medieval fortified city near the Spanish border. The family were Marranos - Sephardic Jews who had been prohibited to practice their own creed and forced to convert to Christianity or suffer at the hands of the Inquisition.
This picture painted in 1873 was bought in 1963 for $ 102,900 in London. It is today part of the E.G. Bührle collection in Zurich (Switzerland).