According to ArtPrice, the 50 most expensive sales in public auctions in 2008 were :
1 BACON Francis $ 77,000,000: «Triptych» (1976) 14 May (Sotheby’s New York)
2 MONET Claude £ 36,500,000: Le bassin aux nymphéas (1919) 24 June (Christie’s London)
3 MALEVICH Kasimir Sevrinovitch $ 53,500,000: Suprematisch Composition (1919) 03 Nov. (Sotheby’s Ndew York)
4 BACON Francis £ 23,500,000: «Untitled» (1974/77) 06 Feb. (Christie’s London)
5 ROTHKO Mark $ 45,000,000: «No.15» (1952) 13 May (Christie’s New York)
6 MONET Claude $ 37,000,000: Le Pont du chemin de fer à Argenteuil (1873) 06 May (Christie’s New York)
7 BACON Francis £ 17,800,000: «Study of Nude with Figure in a Mirror» (1969) 27 Feb. (Sotheby’s London)
8 LÉGER Fernand $ 35,000,000: «La Femme en Bleu» (1912/13) 07 May (Sotheby’s New York)
9 MUNCH Edvard $ 34,000,000: Vampire (1894) 03 Nov. (Sotheby’s New York)
10 DEGAS Edgar $ 33,000,000: Danseuse au repos (c.1879) 03 Nov. (Sotheby’s New York)
11 BACON Francis £ 15,400,000: Studies for Self-Portrait (1975) 30 June (Christie’s London)
1 BACON Francis $ 77,000,000: «Triptych» (1976) 14 May (Sotheby’s New York)
2 MONET Claude £ 36,500,000: Le bassin aux nymphéas (1919) 24 June (Christie’s London)
3 MALEVICH Kasimir Sevrinovitch $ 53,500,000: Suprematisch Composition (1919) 03 Nov. (Sotheby’s Ndew York)
4 BACON Francis £ 23,500,000: «Untitled» (1974/77) 06 Feb. (Christie’s London)
5 ROTHKO Mark $ 45,000,000: «No.15» (1952) 13 May (Christie’s New York)
6 MONET Claude $ 37,000,000: Le Pont du chemin de fer à Argenteuil (1873) 06 May (Christie’s New York)
7 BACON Francis £ 17,800,000: «Study of Nude with Figure in a Mirror» (1969) 27 Feb. (Sotheby’s London)
9 MUNCH Edvard $ 34,000,000: Vampire (1894) 03 Nov. (Sotheby’s New York)
10 DEGAS Edgar $ 33,000,000: Danseuse au repos (c.1879) 03 Nov. (Sotheby’s New York)
11 BACON Francis £ 15,400,000: Studies for Self-Portrait (1975) 30 June (Christie’s London)
12 FREUD Lucian $ 30,000,000: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping (1995) 13 May (Christie’s New York)
13 WARHOL Andy $ 29,000,000: Double Marlon (1966) 13 May (Christie’s New York)
14 MUNCH Edvard $ 27,500,000: Girls on a Bridge (1902) 07 May (Sotheby’s New York)
13 WARHOL Andy $ 29,000,000: Double Marlon (1966) 13 May (Christie’s New York)
14 MUNCH Edvard $ 27,500,000: Girls on a Bridge (1902) 07 May (Sotheby’s New York)
15 SEVERINI Gino £ 13,420,000: «Danseuse» (1915) 25 June (Sotheby’s London)
16 BACON Francis $ 25,000,000: «Three Studies for Self-Portrait» (1976) 13 May (Christie’s New York)
17 GIACOMETTI Alberto $ 24,500,000: Grande femme debout II (1959/60) 06 May (Christie’s New York)
18 BACON Francis £ 12,270,000: «Head of George Dyer» 01 July (Sotheby’s London)
19 DEGAS Edgar £ 12,000,000: Danseuses à la barre (c.1880) 24 June (Christie’s London)

21 WATTEAU Jean Antoine £ 11,000,000: La surprise: A Couple embracing while a figure dressed as Mezzetin Tune 08 July (Christie’s London)
22 MARC Franz £ 11,000,000: Weidende Pferde III (1910) 05 Feb. (Sotheby’s London)
23 KLEIN Yves $ 21,000,000: MG 9 (c.1962) 14 May (Sotheby’s New York)
24 FREUD Lucian £ 10,500,000: Naked Portrait with Reflection (1980) 30 June (Christie’s London)
25 WARHOL Andy £ 10,200,000: Self-portraits (1986) 27 Feb. (Sotheby’s London)
26 MATISSE Henri $ 20,000,000: Portrait au manteau bleu (1935) 06 May (Christie’s New York)
27 KLEIN Yves $ 19,000,000: Archisponge (RE 11) (1960) 11 Nov. (Sotheby’s New York)
28 GRIS Juan $ 18,500,000: Livre, pipe et verres (1915) 06 Nov. (Christie’s New York)
29 FONTANA Lucio £ 9,200,000: «Concetto Spaziale, la fine di Dio» 27 Feb. (Sotheby’s London)
30 PICASSO Pablo $ 17,100,000: La grue (c.1951/52) 07 May (Sotheby’s New York)
31 RODIN Auguste $ 16,900,000: Eve, grand modèle-version sans rocher (1881) 06 May (Christie’s New York)
32 GIACOMETTI Alberto £ 8,420,000: Trois hommes qui marchent I (1948) 25 June (Sotheby’s London)
33 JAWLENSKY von Alexej £ 8,400,000: Schokko (c.1910) 05 Feb. (Sotheby’s London)
34 HIRST Damien £ 9,200,000: The Golden Calf (2008) 15 Sept. (Sotheby’s London)
35 PICASSO Pablo $ 16,000,000: Deux personnages (Marie-Thérèse et sa soeur lisant) (1934) 06 Nov. (Christie’s New York)

37 KLEIN Yves $ 15,500,000: IKB 1 (1960) 14 May (Sotheby’s New York) 38 PICASSO Pablo $ 15,500,000: Le baiser (1969) 07 May (Sotheby’s New York)
39 HIRST Damien £ 8,500,000: The Kingdom (2008) 15 Sept. (Sotheby’s London)
40 MIRO Joan $ 15,200,000: La caresse des étoiles (1938) 06 May (Christie’s New York)
41 KANDINSKY Wassily $ 15,000,000: Studie zu Improvisation 3 (1909) 06 Nov. (Christie’s New York)
42 RICHTER Gerhard £ 7,100,000: Kerze (1983) 27 Feb. (Sotheby’s London)
43 FONTANA Lucio £ 8,000,000: Concetto Spaziale, la fin di dio (1963) 19 Oct. (Christie’s London)
44 PICASSO Pablo £ 7,020,000: Tête de femme (1939) 25 June (Sotheby’s London)
45 RICHTER Gerhard $ 13,500,000: Abstraktes Bild (1990) 14 May (Sotheby’s New York)
46 MURAKAMI Takashi $ 13,500,000 : My Lonesome Cowboy (1998) 14 May (Sotheby’s New York)
47 MONET Claude £ 6,820,000: La plage à Trouville (1870) 25 June (Sotheby’s London)
48 RICHTER Gerhard $ 13,200,000: Abstraktes Bild (710) (1989) 12 Nov. (Christie’s New York)
49 PICASSO Pablo £ 6,600,000: Tête de femme (1938) 05 Feb. (Sotheby’s London)
50 RENOIR Auguste £ 6,600,000: La loge ou L’avant-scène (1874) 05 Feb. (Sotheby’s London)
good job
I know that modern art isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Today’s modern art collector can have his or her cake and eat it too. This frothy little confection was executed by Francis Bacon and sold for an astounding $77,000,000 at auction. The piece is called Triptych and was auctioned off by Sotheby’s New York back in May of 1976 and was said to be the most expensive auctioned piece at the time. Modernists find this painting is a yummy presentation like a slab of white cake filled with magenta hued raspberry filling. The painting is sandwiched with slabs on lemon cake and yellow filling for contrast. Critics find the color pallet is fresh and invigorating. Even the subject matter is stark like slick fondue icing just waiting to be tasted by the senses. No wonder Mr. Bacon’s work was so acclaimed and considered such a collectable by those in the art community and art auctions .
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