He was commissioned to decorate the monumental door of the Universal Expo of 1900 in Paris and went to the famous villa Abd-el-Tif in Algeria as a scholarship student.
He fathered a passion for Africa and Extreme Orient and illustrated with passion and immense talent the lives of the wild animals of the French empire especially in North Africa and South East Asia .
This litho measures 85 x 69 cm. (33½ x 27 1/8 in.) and was for a long time in the property of Mme AndrĂ©e Buron, fille du peintre Henri Buron (1880-1969). It was recently offered in auction in Paris (France) and estimated between €20,000 - €25,000 : it went for €34,100. Paul Jouve's works are exposed at the Gallery Marcilhac in Nantes (France) and Felix Marcilhac wrote a splendid book about Jouve and his works.
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